Meatless Mondays – Oranged baby vegetables with miso dressing

You probably know the feeling. You come across a recipe and from the first second you know you want to try it. However, it’s one of those recipes that have weird ingredients that you do not have at home, you need a special equipment or it just seems a bit too complicated. And so days and weeks pass and that recipe is in your head and it pops out now and then, but every time it’s on your mind again there is always something about it that makes you go: Ah, I will try it next time… So I had this thing going on for around a month with this recipe for roasted carrots. To clarify, I do not have an oven. That’s a bit of an issue when the recipe says roasted :) So I needed to tweak it a bit for my oven-less kitchen. And then all those special ingredients in the recipe – white miso, tamari… I definitely needed to make a trip to the Japanese groceries store!

Asi ten pocit poznáte. Narazíte an recept a hneď v tú sekundu ste si istí, že ten recept musíte vyskúšať. Je to však jeden z tých receptov, čo si vyžaduje zvláštne ingrediencie, ktoré ale doma nemáte, nejaké divné náradie alebo je ten recept len príliš komplikovaný na prvý pohľad. A tak ubehnú dni a týždne a ten recept je vo vašej hlave, sem tam sa vynorí, ale vždy, keď ho máte opäť na mysli, objaví sa niečo, a tak si poviete, že ho vyskúšate nabudúce… Tak ja som presne toto mala s receptom na pečené mrkvičky viac ako mesiac. V prvom rade, v kuchyni nemám rúru na pečenie. To je trošku problém, keď v recepte ide o pečené mrkvičky. Takže mi bolo jasné, že si musím recept pekne poupravovať na moju bezrúru kuchyňu. No a potom všetky tie špeciálne ingrediencie – biele miso, tamari… rozhodne som sa potrebovala vybrať do obchodu s japonskými potravinami!

We are lucky enough here in Saigon that despite general limited selection of Western ingredients, there are few shops that have a good selection of organic vegetables. I discovered one of them just recently and I came back since. One of the reasons to return is the great squash bread they sell – I never had squash bread before in my life and now I am hooked, that’s how amazing it is. Anyway, I was lucky last weekend and they had both baby carrots and baby squash. So I took it as a sign and decided that it’s time to try the carrot recipe. The next day I made it to the Japanese shop and got a pack of that weirdly looking miso paste. It goes without saying, I love miso soup. However, I have no experience cooking it. But everything is for the first time, right? :)

Tu v Saigone máme šťastie, že napriek všeobecne limitovanej dostupnosti západných ingrediencií, máme tu zopár obchodov s dobrým výberom organickej zeleniny. Jeden z nich som objavila len nedávno a odvtedy sa doňho pravidelne vraciam. Jeden z dôvodov je ten úžasný tekvicový chlieb, ktorý predávajú – nikdy predtým som tekvicový chlebík nemala, ale som totálne namotaná, taký skvelý je. No a minulý víkend sa na mňa usmialo šťastie, keďže mali ako baby mrkvu tak aj baby tekvičky. Zobrala som to ako znamenie, že je načase vyskúšať mrkvičkový recept. Na druhý deň som sa vybrala do japonských potravín a kúpila som tú zvláštne vyzerajúcu miso pastu. Asi je jasné, že mám rada miso polievku. No zároveň som s misom nikdy nevarila. Ale tak zas všetko je po prvýkrát, nie?

And thus my conquest of this recipe started. I made it as a light vegetarian/vegan dinner and served the vegetables with purple Vietnamese rice. I have to say, it’s the best rice ever! The vegetables could also go well as a side to meat or fish if you are a dedicated omnivore. However, then it eat some other day, not on meatless Monday :) Let’s get cooking now!

A tak moje dobitie tohto receptu začalo. Mrkvičky som urobila ako ľahkú vegetariánsku/vegánsku večeru a podávala som ich na purpurovej vietnamskej ryži. Musím povedať, je to najlepšia ryža na svete. Zeleninka by sa tiež hodila ako príloha k mäsu alebo rybe pre tých, čo sú zanietení všehožravci. Potom si ale toto jedlo nechajte na iný deň, nie na bezmäsité pondelky :) A teraz sa pustite do varenia!

Oranged baby vegetables ~ Pomarančová baby zeleninka

30-40 baby carrots ~ 30-40 baby mrkvičiek
8-10 baby squash ~ 8-10 baby tekvičiek
juice from 1 1/2 orange ~ šťava z jeden a pol pomaranča
1-2 table spoons of honey or agave ~ 1-2 polievkové lyžice medu alebo agave
sesame seeds ~ sezamové semiačka

Miso dressing ~ Miso dresing

1 table spoon of miso ~ 1 polievková lyžica miso
juice from 1/2 of orange ~ šťava z polky pomaranča
2 table spoons of water ~ 2 polievkové lyžice vody
1 table spoon of olive oil ~ 1 polievková lyžica olivového oleja
1/2 table spoon of sesame oil ~ 1/2 polievkovej lyžice sezamového oleja
2 table spoons of honey or agave ~ 2 polievkové lyžice medu alebo agave

purple or any other dark rice with nutty flavor to serve with ~ purpurová alebo iná tmavá ryža s orieškovou príchuťou na podávanie.

Get the rice cooking. Scrub the baby carrots of the dirt, cut the green tops and wash well. Heat olive oil in skillet and put baby carrots in. Add orange juice and let cook. When the cooking is half way through, add the halved baby squash, honey/agave and sesame seeds. Cook until the carrots are soft but still have a bit of crunch, be careful not to overcook them!
In the mean time, whisk all the ingredients in a glass. Do not forget to taste – miso paste has a special taste, so it might need some adjustment in quantities to make a dressing of your liking. The initial recipe calls for tamari or soy sauce, but I think it was not necessary, miso on it’s own is salty enough and I felt like the soy sauce was not needed.
Put the veggies on top of cooked rice, drizzle with the orange-honey sauce from the skillet and then drizzle with miso dressing. I hope you will enjoy :)

Dajte si uvariť ryžu. Očistite baby mrkvičku od špiny, zbavte sa zelených vrškov a poriadne ich poumývajte. Ohrejte olivový olej v panvici a vložte baby mrkvičky. Pridajte džús z pomarančov a nechajte variť. Keď sú mrkvičky asi do polovice uvarené, pridajte baby tekvičky, med alebo agave a sezamové semiačka. Varte, až kým sú mrkvičky mäkké, ale stále pevné a trošku chrumkavé, dávajte pozor, aby ste ich nerozvarili.
Zatiaľ, čo sa mrkvičky varia si pripravte dresing zmiešaním všetkých ingrediencií v pohári. Nezabudnite chutnať – miso má špecifickú chuť a tak si možno budete musieť upraviť pomery podľa vlastnej chute. Pôvodný recept si vyžaduje tamari alebo sójovú omáčku, ale podľa môjho názoru nie je potrebná, miso je dostatočne slané a tak som nemala potrebu pridávať sójovú omáčku.
Zeleninku rozdelte na taniere s ryžou, polejte pomarančovo-medovou omáčkou, ktorá sa vám vytvorila v panvici a následne prelejte miso dresingom. Dúfam, že vám bude chutiť :)

5 thoughts on “Meatless Mondays – Oranged baby vegetables with miso dressing

  1. Katu, that two-color baby squash is beautiful!!!! … and i love the recipe! Only there must be quite a difference in taste in case of using agave and i have a feeling it may be much better with homey (as you used) for this particular vegetable / carrots.
    Sometimes when i make a salad I sprinkle sesame seeds on top; it truly looks nice, like tiny snowflakes (especially on very green salad ;) )
    Again, thanks for tip.

    • Karu, thanks :))) i love the pics of the veggies, but the pics of the final recipe suck, i started to cook too late and it got dark, so no more natural light available… as to honey and agave, I used agave in the carrots and honey in the dressing (for a very simple reason – i only had a small package of agave, so i had none left for the dressing) and actually both tasted great :) Agave is great for vegans since they cant use honey… I have no other experience with agave so it’s difficult for me to say what tastes better… and sesame seeds are magic, yum yum!

  2. “U nás v Saigone…?” a to som si všimla akože až teraz??? preto som včera nepochopila to s tými knižkami… už mi docvaklo :-) recept je úžasný. milujem spojenie zeleniny a pomaranča, masa + pomaranča. vlastne všetko s pomarančom :-) a mrkvičky! inak toto jedlo by určite zdlábla naša Nini úplne bez problémov. we are hot carrot lovers :-)

    • Haha, Viki, tak tak, ja varim v takych vtipnych podmienkach :) bude aj viacej vietnamskych receptov, len sa k tomu musim dokopat, vyzaduju viac casu a pisania a to nejak neslo dokopy s poslednymi tyzdnami. A ano, myslim si ze toto je velmi child-friendly recept, aj ked neviem ako s tym misom, odkedy deti mozu sojove produkty kvoli alergii… Inak ja robim aj cviklu v pomaranci, trochu ich povarim nech zmaknu a potom ich dam dusit do pomarancovej stavy na panvici, tiez med k tomu a to co z toho vyjde, to je taka dobrota – ta cviklovo-pomarancovo-medova stava to je nieco neuveritelne! normalne by som robila take lizatka alebo nanuky :D

  3. … agave does not have any specific flavor like honey does, so carrots in combination with honey tastes better to me, … different. Agave is great when yes, you cook for vegans or would want to avoid that honey flavor/smell, simply when you only want it sweeter. Also agave is very sweet so you want to be careful with it.
    …. to the final picture, yes it is not the greatest, but i was also thinking maybe if you put less rice and then vegetable next to it rather then on top of it.
    … but yes, daylight / so important!
    …all the best Katu and I am always looking forward for new inspirations from you!!!

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